Taxonomy/Term and Role based Discounts for WooCommerce PRO add-on changelog
3.3 – 2024-11-15
DEV Implement demo mode (for internal usage)
3.2 – 2024-11-13
FIX Fatal error when WooCommerce is running update routines for 9.4
DEV Updater improvements
DEV Tested with WordPress 6.7 and WooCommerce 9.4.1
3.1 – 2024-10-30
DEV License validation on websites with WPML set to have different domains per language
FIX Load text domain at the right time to avoid PHP notices on WordPress 6.7 and above
DEV Tested with WordPress 6.7-RC2-59324 and WooCommerce 9.4.0-rc.2
3.0 – 2024-08-28
NEW Two new options to exclude products on sale from the discount rule only if the taxonomy discount is lower or higher than the original discount
NEW If the product is already on sale, and the rule hasn’t been excluded, option to choose if the taxonomy discount should be applied on top of the already discounted price or the original product regular price
NEW Replace sale badge with percentage even for non-taxonomy discounts (in beta)
NEW Free 5.0: Add WooCommerce admin scripts to our settings page so we can implement tooltips on more complex options
FIX Free 5.0: Loop in some situations when showing the “on-sale” information, which caused a fatal error
TWEAK Free 5.0: Abstract variable product detection with $product->has_child() instead of $product->is_type( 'variable' ) so that all kinds of variable products declared from other plugins are compatible
TWEAK Free 5.0: Remove filter in the cart subtotal columns as the values were not accurate. Can be reactivated by passing true to tdw_cart_item_subtotal_information
DEV Requires Taxonomy/Term and Role based Discounts for WooCommerce free 5.0 or above
DEV Tested with WordPress 6.7-alpha-58943 and WooCommerce 9.3.0-beta.1
2.3 – 2024-04-04
NEW Show subtotal price with discount on the classic cart
NEW Improve plugin updater – Show translation update notices
FIX Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property in PHP 8.3
FIX Update cache button click on the backend
TWEAK Only show license key setting to administrators
DEV Add “Requires Plugins” header
DEV Tested with WordPress 6.6-alpha-57920 and WooCommerce 8.8.0-rc.1
2.2 – 2023-12-12
Declare WooCommerce block-based Cart and Checkout compatibility
Update plugin translations online instead of shipping them with the main plugin
Requires WordPress 5.4
Tested with WordPress 6.5-alpha-57159 and WooCommerce 8.4.0-rc.1
2.1 – 2023-09-06
Discount rules database cache for better performance
Requires Taxonomy/Term and Role based Discounts for WooCommerce free 4.1 or above
2.0 – 2023-09-05
Performance improvements (free version)
Option to disable cache performance improvement
Requires Taxonomy/Term and Role based Discounts for WooCommerce free 4.0 or above
Tested with WordPress 6.4-alpha-56479 and WooCommerce 8.1.0-beta.1
1.8 – 2023-07-11
Exclude products on sale from the discount rule
Requires WooCommerce 5.0 and Taxonomy/Term and Role based Discounts for WooCommerce free 3.8 or above
Tested with WordPress 6.3-beta3-56192 and WooCommerce 7.9.0-rc.3
1.7 – 2022-11-23
“Stop – no discount” rule that makes sure products from specific taxonomy terms never have a discount applied, even if there are other rules that will apply for other product taxonomy terms
Tested with WordPress 6.2-alpha-54860 and WooCommerce 7.2.0-beta.1
1.6 – 2022-11-22
Disable shipping methods based on cart items applied rules
Requires free plugin version 3.5 or above
Tested with WordPress 6.2-alpha-54860 and WooCommerce 7.1
1.5 – 2022-11-10
New rule field “title” that can be used to identify the rule in the admin area as well as being shown alongside the discount information in the frontend
Tested and confirmed WooCommerce HPOS compatibility
Fix jQuery deprecations
Fixed a bug when showing discount information on the product page
Tested with WordPress 6.2-alpha-54748 and WooCommerce 7.1
1.4 – 2022-10-17
Set maximum amount of free items when using BOGO discounts
1.3 – 2022-10-07
Set discount rules for non-logged-in users
Tested with WordPress 6.1-beta3-54400 and WooCommerce 7.0.0-rc.2
1.2 – 2022-09-19
New “Discount Tag” custom taxonomy if you don’t want to use Categories, Tags or any other existing product taxonomy
1.1 – 2022-09-19
Remove strong tags and replace them with unopinated span tags with classes on discount information
Respect date and time format set on WordPress on discount information
New filters tdwpro_date_format and tdwpro_time_format to override WordPress date and time formats