Auto Cancel WooCommerce On-hold Orders (micro plugin) FAQ


1) How to request technical support?

If the issue you need technical support with is not covered on this page, click the link next to the license key, on the plugin settings, and fill out the ticket with your request.

2) Where do I report security vulnerabilities found in this plugin?

You can report any security bugs found in the source code of this plugin through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program.

The Patchstack team will assist you with verification, CVE assignment and take care of notifying us.


1) How to transfer the license to another domain?

You should ask for the domain change in your customer area, next to the original order details.

After you get the reply from us stating that the license key is free, you should go to the old website settings, remove the key and save. Then go to the new website settings, insert the same key and save. If you cloned the website, the license key is on the database, and you need to remove it, save, insert it again and save again.

General operation

1) Getting started guide

Install the plugin and go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Auto Cancel On-hold Orders. Insert the provided license code to activate it.

Set the number of hours after which you want to cancel the “On-hold” orders, and if you want the orders to be canceled only of WooCommerce is managing stock, or not.

Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > On-hold automatically Cancelled order. Enable or disable the customer notifications for automatically canceled orders and customize the notification email subject, heading and content.

This plugin assumes your WordPress cron is correctly configured.

Available developer hooks

The included technical support does not include the usage of these hooks.

Filter: ptwoo_cancel_onhold_woo_query_orders_per_batch

Change the number of orders to cancel each time the scheduled task runs.
The default is 10.
Parameters: $orders_per_batch
Return: integer

Filter: ptwoo_cancel_onhold_woo_query_order_statuses

Change the order statuses of queried orders for cancellation. Not recommended.
The default is array( 'on-hold' ).
Parameters: $statuses
Return: array

Filter: ptwoo_cancel_onhold_woo_query_sorting_orderby

Change the sorting field for queried orders for cancellation.
The default is date.
Parameters: $orderby
Return: string

Filter: ptwoo_cancel_onhold_woo_query_sorting_order

Change the sorting order for queried orders for cancellation.
The default is DESC.
Parameters: $order
Return: string (DESC or ASC)